A signal, represented by the RACSignal class, is a push-driven stream. Signals generally represent data that will be delivered in the future. As work is performed or data is received, values are sent on the signal, which pushes them out to any subscribers. Users must subscribe to a signal in order to access its values.
信号是一种 “推送” 类型的流。
A subscriber is anything that is waiting or capable of waiting for events from a signal. Within RAC, a subscriber is represented as any object that conforms to the RACSubscriber protocol.
Subscriptions retain their signals, and are automatically disposed of when the signal completes or errors. Subscriptions can also be disposed of manually.
iOS设备就是订阅者,苹果的 APNs 服务作为一个整体而被视为信号流。二者是 N 对 1 的关系。
/// Creates a new signal. This is the preferred way to create a new signal /// operation or behavior. /// /// Events can be sent to new subscribers immediately in the `didSubscribe` /// block, but the subscriber will not be able to dispose of the signal until /// a RACDisposable is returned from `didSubscribe`. In the case of infinite /// signals, this won't _ever_ happen if events are sent immediately. /// /// To ensure that the signal is disposable, events can be scheduled on the /// +[RACScheduler currentScheduler] (so that they're deferred, not sent /// immediately), or they can be sent in the background. The RACDisposable /// returned by the `didSubscribe` block should cancel any such scheduling or /// asynchronous work. /// /// didSubscribe - Called when the signal is subscribed to. The new subscriber is /// passed in. You can then manually control the <RACSubscriber> by /// sending it -sendNext:, -sendError:, and -sendCompleted, /// as defined by the operation you're implementing. This block /// should return a RACDisposable which cancels any ongoing work /// triggered by the subscription, and cleans up any resources or /// disposables created as part of it. When the disposable is /// disposed of, the signal must not send any more events to the /// `subscriber`. If no cleanup is necessary, return nil. /// /// **Note:** The `didSubscribe` block is called every time a new subscriber /// subscribes. Any side effects within the block will thus execute once for each /// subscription, not necessarily on one thread, and possibly even /// simultaneously! + (RACSignal<ValueType> *)createSignal:(RACDisposable * _Nullable (^)(id<RACSubscriber> subscriber))didSubscribe RAC_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// These callbacks should only be accessed while synchronized on self. @property (nonatomic, copy) void (^next)(id value); @property (nonatomic, copy) void (^error)(NSError *error); @property (nonatomic, copy) void (^completed)(void);
/// Sends the next value to subscribers. /// /// value - The value to send. This can be `nil`. - (void)sendNext:(nullableid)value;
/// Sends the error to subscribers. /// /// error - The error to send. This can be `nil`. /// /// This terminates the subscription, and invalidates the subscriber (such that /// it cannot subscribe to anything else in the future). - (void)sendError:(nullableNSError *)error;
/// Sends completed to subscribers. /// /// This terminates the subscription, and invalidates the subscriber (such that /// it cannot subscribe to anything else in the future). - (void)sendCompleted;
/// Sends the next value to subscribers. /// /// value - The value to send. This can be `nil`. - (void)sendNext:(nullable id)value;
/// Sends the error to subscribers. /// /// error - The error to send. This can be `nil`. /// /// This terminates the subscription, and invalidates the subscriber (such that /// it cannot subscribe to anything else in the future). - (void)sendError:(nullable NSError *)error;
/// Sends completed to subscribers. /// /// This terminates the subscription, and invalidates the subscriber (such that /// it cannot subscribe to anything else in the future). - (void)sendCompleted;
/// Sends the subscriber a disposable that represents one of its subscriptions. /// /// A subscriber may receive multiple disposables if it gets subscribed to /// multiple signals; however, any error or completed events must terminate _all_ /// subscriptions. - (void)didSubscribeWithDisposable:(RACCompoundDisposable *)disposable;
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/// A subject can be thought of as a signal that you can manually control by /// sending next, completed, and error. /// /// They're most helpful in bridging the non-RAC world to RAC, since they let you /// manually control the sending of events. @interfaceRACSubject<ValueType> : RACSignal<ValueType> <RACSubscriber>
Signals are cold by default, meaning that they start doing work each time a new subscription is added. This behavior is usually desirable, because it means that data will be freshly recalculated for each subscriber, but it can be problematic if the signal has side effects or the work is expensive (for example, sending a network request).
A multicast connection encapsulates the idea of sharing one subscription to a signal to many subscribers. This is most often needed if the subscription to the underlying signal involves side-effects or shouldn’t be called more than once.